Dear Parishioners, God is faithful. What he promised of old, he has brought to fulfillment: “Christ, our paschal lamb, has been sacrificed,” and he has truly risen, just as he said. “We are witnesses” of these things, Peter proclaims, and so too are we. We revel in the same grace, communicated by the same Christ through the same Church.
Dear Parishioners, this Sunday, Palm Sunday, begins Holy Week. Today we read the Passion Narrative. It is the narrative that will be played out in this week’s Holy Week liturgies.
Dear Parishioners, In just two weeks is the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. Easter Vigil is the time when the Church normally does the initiation of adults into the Church through baptism, confirmation and communion. The path to the Easter Vigil is the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).
Dear Parishioners, Lent is the acceptable time to approach the sacrament of grace and mercy, the Sacrament of Reconciliation. One of the most difficult things to do in life is admit our sins. But if the Father had to send his Son in order to save us from our sins that in fact distort our true and beautiful humanity.
Dear Parishioners, Our Scripture passage for the Third Sunday of Lent comes from the Gospel of John 2:13–25. This is the story of Jesus Cleansing the Temple. This passage is appropriate because it invites all disciples to cleanse the temple of our own lives during this Lenten Time.