Dear Parishioners, Last weekend, Feb. 18, the Bishop was here to celebrate the 10 a.m. Mass at Chewelah. Afterwards we went over for the blessing of the new Rectory. The Bishop was very happy with the new Rectory and remembers what the old convent used to look like. He liked the more spacious and open design. He liked the fact that we have space for a potential retired or second priest to stay. (Click for more)
Dear Parishioners, From the very beginning music has been an integral part of the Church’s liturgy, mostly chant and organ. The Church inherited a musical liturgical tradition from Jewish Temple worship. As you may realize the Psalms were written to music and King David composed most of them.
Dear Parishioners, Lent begins this Wednesday. Join us for Ash Wednesday mass and on Friday for Stations of Cross. Our personal Lenten program should include the traditional: Prayer, Fasting/Asceticism, and Almsgiving. There are many opportunities through our parishes to make this a fruitful Lent.
Lent begins in just a week and half, with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 14. That day two masses will be celebrated at St. Mary’s at 9 am and 5:30 pm. The evening mass will also be followed by a soup supper (there will be no Faith Formation that week). Each Lent is the opportunity to come closer to our Lord and grow in our spiritual life, and we are offering many opportunities to help all of us have a fruitful Lent.
Dear Parishioners, Over 50 years ago the good Dominican Sisters built an eight-room convent by St. Joseph’s Hospital to house the sisters that served in the hospital. About 30 years ago the Hospital was expanded and the convent was moved to the property of St. Mary’s with the provision that if the sisters would not need the convent, the ownership of the convent would revert to the parish. Sr. Mary was the last sister to live there and she vacated some years ago. It was then decided that the priest serving this area would live in Chewelah and the Rectory in Valley was sold.