Dear Parishioners, October is the month of the Holy Rosary and Oct. 7 is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Our parish in Chewelah is graced to have Our Lady of the Rosary as our patroness and so we must to honor her and ask for her intercession. After the 10 a.m. Mass next Sunday, Oct. 8 we are going to have a Rosary procession around the grounds. We will carry a statue of Mary around our church and stop along the way to pray the Rosary to then end the procession in the Rosary Garden. (Click for more)
Dear Parishioners, We had our first Pastoral Council meeting this past week and have expanded the Pastoral Council to include members from each parish and several active ministries. The members are Alexis Peters, our chair, Patsy Cotter, Jill Chalmers, Tony Hansen, Jenn Dotts, Ron Christian, Dean Proszek, Emily Garner, and Amy Nixon. (Click for more)
Dear Parishioners, We had a wonderful pilgrimage last Sunday to Spokane to a be a part of Expo ’23 and the Eucharistic Revival. Twenty-one people participated in the day long event taking a charter bus to downtown Spokane. We ate our lunch on the bus and prayed a rosary as we went to the Cathedral just in time to be a part of the mile-long Eucharistic Procession to Riverfront Park. (Click here for more...)
Dear Parishioners, This Sunday is our Bus Pilgrimage from Chewelah to Spokane for Expo ‘23. I believe many graces will come from this for our parishes. I would like to thank all those who gave generously to underwrite this Pilgrimage and make it possible. We want to continue the theme of the “Eucharistic Revival” into our Wednesday All-Parish Faith Nights. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our spiritual and worship life as Catholics. It is what really makes us unique from other Christian churches. We could spend our whole lives delving into this Mystery of the Eucharist and not come to the end of it. This mystery of the Eucharist is the greatest gift and sacrament we have and represents the love of Christ himself. At the first Faith Night this Wednesday, Sept. 13, I will be passing out and introducing the book This Is My Body by Bishop Robert Barron. We will be using this book as a book study and discussion for the next several Faith Nights. We will also hand out the book study schedule that evening. In addition, this Wednesday I am going to give an orientation and introduction to Eucharistic Adoration and our new Adoration Chapel. We will begin the opportunity for parishioners to sign up for an hour a week in the chapel.
Dear Parishioners, it is that time of year again. It is when the Diocese kicks off the Annual Catholic Appeal. You soon will be receiving a letter from Bishop Daly asking for your help in the Appeal. This Appeal is very important for work and ministry of the Bishop and Diocese. This appeal keeps all the administrative tasks of the Diocese going from the education and youth ministries to Priestly formation. Our parishes could not function without the support and resources that the Diocese offers us. (Click for more...)