Dear Parishioners, Today we stand in front on the Nativity scenes and see the child in the manger with his mother and St. Joseph. We reflect on the great mystery before us: this child born in Bethlehem is both human and divine. This child will grow up to teach us the path to heaven and suffer and die on the cross to open the gates of heaven. He is our Savior. He has saved us from the sin, darkness, evil, hatred and death of this world. We come like the lowly shepherds on Christmas night who came to adore the Christ child in the manger. Come let us adore him! Love has come down from heaven. Click here for more info
Dear Parishioners, On this Third Sunday of Advent the figure of John the Baptist is presented to us again. This time with the question being ask of him: “Who are you?” This is a question of identity. This is also the question our Lord is going to ask each of us when we stand before him, “Who are you?” (Click for more)
Dear Parishioners, This week marks the Second Week of Advent. St. John the Baptist is introduced into our Advent as “A voice of one crying out in the desert: ’Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths,’ proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” (Click for more)
Dear Parishioners, This Sunday begins the First Sunday of Advent, the Church’s “New Year.” As we begin a new year in the life of the Church, it is always a good opportunity to stop and take inventory of our growth in faith and consider what has taken place in the past year as well as what we want to take place in the next year. In short, it’s time to make a “New Year’s Resolution” for discipleship. (click for more)