The Guatemala Commission has decided to cancel the 8th Annual Guatemala Mission Celebration, which was scheduled for September 16th. We are hoping to hold this event in the spring. We will keep you updated when we are able to reschedule the Annual Celebration.
What is love? Love isn’t a gushy feeling rather it looks our for the good of the beloved just as Our Lord sought out our good in the Cross. Did he have anything to gain by the Cross? No, but we had everything.
Fr. Mike is now available for Confessions every Saturday from 2:30-3:30 pm at St. Mary of the Rosary. If confessions are face-to-face, please wear a face covering. You can also schedule Confession by appointment by contacting Fr. Mike at 935-4106.
A message from Mike Coleman: As a parishioner, parish council member and member of the Knights of Columbus for St. Mary of the Rosary Parish it is my pleasure to present our sincere thanks to Mr. Wade Baker for his dedication not only as alter server but also his contribution to the beautification of our cemetery...
We live in a time of worry. Coronavirus, the economy because the politicians started the lockdowns, chaos in the streets and the like. The one solution is to let God back into the public square and our lives...