Dear Parishioners,
I want to thank all who helped with and participated in the Rosary Procession last Sunday. At least 50 people walked the grounds as we all prayed the rosary in honor of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Mary’s patroness. Thank you to the volunteers who carried the statue of Mary and lead the prayers for each decade, and Brianna Snyder for cantoring the music and singing the final decade in the Rosary Garden. It was a beautiful event and Our Lady was honored… I would also like to thank the Knights of Columbus for the fine breakfast they provided afterwards.
I would also like to report on projects we have been working on: The keyless entry system is up and running and is working great. We are able have the back door open as well as the front door so feel free to use the back parking lot whenever needed. We plan to fix up the doors and remove the old key entry soon, so if you need building access please contact Kellie.
Parking lot lights have now been installed in our back lot using funds raised at the Mardi Gras dinner last spring. The electrician just hooked them up this week and are now working as of Thursday. They are a dusk to dawn light that will turn off at 10 pm but also have a manual option if needed. Thanks to Dean Proszek for leading this project and all who helped out!
The entryway at Holy Ghost had suffered some water damage and the wood was rotting. The wood was replaced and a new porch roof was put on last weekend. We also trimmed the trees there that were overgrowing into the parking lot.
We are scheduled soon to have a heating vent installed in the storage room of St. Mary’s hall to prevent any further pipes from freezing this winter, and are updating the thermostat as well to be more user friendly and accessible.
The Rectory project is also nearing completion. I hope to have it wrapped up by Christmas.
Next Sunday after Masses I will be leaving for a few weeks. I will be making a retreat at a hermitage in Idaho near Boise. Then I will take a road trip with my twin brother to Southern California where I will be visiting with friends I have there. Fr. Mark Pautler will be covering all the weekend masses while I am away and the Holy Day mass on Nov. 1 for All Saints Day. I will be back home Nov. 7.