Dear Parishioners,
This Sunday begins the First Sunday of Advent, the Church’s “New Year.” As we begin a new year in the life of the Church, it is always a good opportunity to stop and take inventory of our growth in faith and consider what has taken place in the past year as well as what we want to take place in the next year. In short, it’s time to make a “New Year’s Resolution” for discipleship.
A good place to start is make a resolution in the areas of “PG&G”: Prayer, Generosity and Gratitude. These are the things that are important to God and our journey to heaven. In the area of prayer consider signing up to spend one hour a week with the Lord in our new Adoration Chapel, Our Lord waits for you there. We have many times available to suit your schedule. You may also consider coming to a daily mass once a week during Advent. The Advent companion that we have available is an excellent way to follow the season of Advent with a daily reflection. Opportunities for generosity come up each day in small and large ways in how we respond to others needs, and use our time and resources. And make time each day to spend in gratitude.
This week we will be celebrating the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. We will be having a Vigil Mass for the Feast on Thursday, Dec. 7 at 5:30 pm and on Friday, Dec. 8 the Mass will be at 9:00 am, with both masses at St. Mary’s. Come and honor our Lady who was prepared beforehand to be the most pure and immaculate Mother of God. She continues to intercede for those who have recourse to her like the prayer on the Miraculous Medal: “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you.” (There will be no 8:30 am mass on Thursday, Dec. 7)
Finally, for an ACA update, I want to say congratulations to Holy Ghost for making it’s ACA goal this year for a total of $6,850 ($5,860 was needed). And at the time of the bulletin printing, St. Mary’s was only $395 away from it’s own goal. Thank you everyone!