Dear Parishioners,
Today we stand in front on the Nativity scenes and see the child in the manger with his mother and St. Joseph. We reflect on the great mystery before us: this child born in Bethlehem is both human and divine. This child will grow up to teach us the path to heaven and suffer and die on the cross to open the gates of heaven. He is our Savior. He has saved us from the sin, darkness, evil, hatred and death of this world. We come like the lowly shepherds on Christmas night who came to adore the Christ child in the manger. Come let us adore him! Love has come down from heaven.
God is so great that he became small. God is so powerful hat he can make himself vulnerable and come to us as a defenseless child, so that we can love him. God is so good that he can give up his divine splendor and came down to a stable, so that we might find him, so that his goodness might touch us, give itself to us and continue to work in and through us.
This is Christmas: God has become one of us, so that we can be with him and become like him. As a sign, he chose the child lying in the manger: this is how God is. This is how we come to know him. And on every child shines something of the splendor of the closeness of God which we ought to love and bow down before in adoration.
On behalf of all of our parishes and our parish staff, I would like to wish everyone a very blessed and Merry Christmas. May the Christmas Season bring you all the graces you desire.