In regards to almsgiving, our Parishes will be resuming our Malawi Fund collection during Lent to help the girl’s high school in Malawi, Africa. This year the need at the school is to finish an administrative building that has been under construction for more than two years due to lack of funds. They are asking for $10,000 to finish the building project that will include a larger staff room, the principal's office, and a new office for the financial manager. If we raise more than $10,000, the rest will go to the school for tuition assistance to be used as needed for students at the school’s discretion. Many students were helped last year with over $20,000 raised in 2023.
Week 6 Update
Just this past week we have raised another several thousand dollars and are now over $16,000! This fund will pay for completing the administration building at the Catholic Girls School in Malawi, Africa. Anything over $10,000 will go to hunger relief in Malawi. Thank you to everyone who has donated. There are also still a few handmade wooden wall crosses by Fr. Vincent still available to with a set donation amount. See them at St. Mary’s Parish Hall. Thank you!