St. Mary’s Faith Night is a weekly parish night of Faith Formation for all ages that takes place every Wednesday, and will return after the winter break on Wednesday, Jan. 8. Faith Night begins with Dinner at 6 pm and faith formation for children, middle school youth and adults from 6:30-7:30 pm. If you have a child in K-5, you can enroll them in religious education. If you have a middle schooler in grades 6-8, you can enroll your student in EDGE, our middle school youth ministry. Currently, the sacramental preparation class (age 7 and up) is in its first year of a two-year cohort, as students are preparing for First Reconciliation and Confirmation to take place in the spring of 2025, with First Communion in the spring of 2026. If you are interested in joining us, or have any questions, contact Kellie Trudeau at [email protected].
St. Mary of the Rosary Parish now subscribes to, which is a project of the Augustine Institute and has many great, well-produced content. We encourage everyone to explore the website and watch videos that interest you. Go to “This Week on Formed” under “programs” as a great place to start. To sign up, go to and click on “Parish Subscriptions” at the top of the page, then search 99109 and click on St. Mary of the Rosary Parish. Once you are logged in with your name and email in a web browser, download the FORMED app to watch from any device.