By Fr. Vincent
Starting this January, we are transitioning our parish office staff roles to better serve our busy and growing parish as we head into the new year. Pastor’s Assistant Kellie Trudeau will transition into a new title as Director of Parish Life. In this role, she will continue as pastor’s assistant while also focusing on serving and leading parish ministries without the responsibility of managing the front desk. Kellie will continue to manage communications, offer liturgical support and coordinate religious education, funerals, events, and other ministries. Our current bookkeeper Jackie Fuller will transition into an office assistant role at the front reception desk during parish office hours. Jackie will answer phones, take messages, continue to pay daily bills, keep cemetery and sacramental records, help organize the office, and assist where needed.
The bookkeeping duties will be transferred to a business manager position, a role that parishioner Jolene McGee will begin in January. As business manager, Jolene will take on business administrative and accounting duties, and manage the Restoring Beauty Project. You’ll see that our office has already been in transition as new desks are set up in the back office, and Jackie has moved out to the front desk. Matt Cobb continues to serve as maintenance custodian, cleaning and maintaining our facilities and grounds at St. Mary’s, Holy Ghost, and when needed at both St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s cemeteries. Josh Thom continues to serve as Director of Music Ministries. Thank you to all our staff for all their hard work and dedication to our parish. Without all of them, we couldn’t accomplish everything that we do as a parish. And thank you to everyone for your patience as we go through this office transition.