Dear Parishioners,
In just two weeks is the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. Easter Vigil is the time when the Church normally does the initiation of adults into the Church through baptism, confirmation and communion. The path to the Easter Vigil is the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). The OCIA (formerly RCIA) is an ancient order of initiating adults into the Church that was re-instituted after Vatican Council II in the 1970’s. The OCIA program is envisioned to take a complete liturgical year.
Over the past six months, five individuals have come forward and expressed the desire to be fully initiated into the Church. I have started an OCIA group with these individuals and the plan will be to fully initiate them at the Easter Vigil of 2025. Presently, we meet two Sundays a month after the 10 am Mass. We are going through and discussing the Catechism of the Catholic Church during the sessions.
Since we are now are a year out to Easter 2025, I would like to make an open invitation to any who may need full initiation into the Catholic Church. It could be a non-Catholic who wishes to enter the Church or a Baptized Catholic who needs the sacraments of Communion and/or Confirmation. Now is the time to enter the program. The sessions are also open to anyone who would like to learn more about the Catholic faith.
Please keep the individuals in your prayers who are making their journey into full initiation of the Catholic Church.
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday. This is the beginning of Holy Week which enters into the Paschal Mystery culminating with Good Friday. The Holy Week liturgies are powerful and meaningful, it is very spiritually beneficial to attend and participate in these liturgies. At the 10 am mass, a procession will begin in St. Mary’s parish hall, so please begin there on March 24 and receive a palm.