Dear Parishioners,
I have been enjoying listening to "The Rosary in a Year” podcast with Fr. Mark-Mary. Fr. Mark-Mary is doing an excellent job in explaining the background of the Rosary and bringing it alive. The Rosary is fundamentally prayer and needs to more than a set of prayers on the beads. The Rosary as prayer needs to connect us with the Person of Jesus and Mary his mother.
I encourage you, if you are not already doing it, to listen to this podcast. It is easy to set up and it only lasts about 10 minutes a day. You can start listening any time. I guarantee that if you take the time to go through “The Rosary in a Year” it will change and enrich your approach to prayer and the Rosary.
Without prayer it is difficult to see the hand of God moving in creation, other people, the events in our life, our purpose and our end. Prayer opens our eyes to see the life of God within us that come with baptism, the Blood of Christ through confession, the whole Christ in communion which is the seal of unity in the Blood of all the Masses and their unending sacrifice. Without prayer we only see a small part of it.
Without prayer we can be learned in the teachings of the Church but will forget them. Without prayer we will see like people who are short-sighted and obey like servants who are paralyzed. Above all, without prayer, the Gospel will be but words and will risk failing to meet the Person who is speaking, the Person who is training us, the Person whom we are following, the Person who is loving us.