Dear Parishioners,
Lent begins this Wednesday. Join us for Ash Wednesday mass and on Friday for Stations of Cross. Our personal Lenten program should include the traditional: Prayer, Fasting/Asceticism, and Almsgiving. There are many opportunities through our parishes to make this a fruitful Lent.
Prayer: We have made available a Lenten companion from Magnificat, encourage signing up for Adoration in the Adoration Chapel, weekday masses and Friday Adoration, and Stations of the Cross every Friday of Lent. Participating in Faith Night on Wednesdays is another way we can become closer to God as we learn more about our Faith.
Fasting/Asceticism: We are starting the Exodus 90 and Fiat 40 programs after the Soup Supper this Friday. Both of these groups are accountable groups to help us get the most out of our Lenten disciplines. Though you may not be able to participate in these groups the programs give valuable ideas to plan your own personal Lenten journey. Exodus 90 is a spiritual exercise for men based on Christ's roadmap to freedom: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. Fiat 40 is similar in that it focuses on prayer, asceticism, and sisterhood. Following the Exodus lifestyle, a fraternity of men, or sisterhood of women, commit to a set structure of prayer and ascetic disciplines. Ascetism is the act of sacrificing or denying these sensual pleasures in order to better focus on our spiritual needs. Inside the bulletin is the information on the suggestions to follow for the program.
Almsgiving: Part of a good Lent is also Almsgiving. This has to do with our relationship with material things and money. Greed is deadly sin and generosity is the corresponding virtue. Lent is a time to grow in generosity. Greed pulls us down to earth and generosity lifts us to heaven. Greed separates us from others and generosity brings us together. Our Lord makes some pretty strong admonitions about clinging on to money and possessions. Like last year, we are giving our parishes an opportunity to support a girl’s Catholic high school in Malawi, Africa. The need there is to complete an administration building at the cost of $10,000. Our goal would be to complete this project. Also consider giving to Zach’s Eagle Scout project, donate food/other items to local food banks, or help others in giving your time - such as visiting with someone or volunteering.