Dear Parishioners,
We kneel before the manger in adoration, let our first Christmas word be: thank you. Thank you, Gift of the Father, for coming to save us from our sins. Without you we do not even know how to be human, how to live our life in this world, how to live for love and live for heaven.
You came as a little baby because babies are so precious and adorable. You came as a baby so we could approach you and you did not come to judge us. As we kneel before you eternal God and king and man, we surrender ourselves to you. We surrender our selfishness, self-centeredness and self–indulgences. Fill us with your truth, your strength, your purity, your gentleness, your generosity, your heart, your grace.
Oh, divine Fruit of the virgin’s womb, may we love you in union with the holy Mother of God. She, who loved Jesus with a love beyond all telling, teach me to love Jesus with your love.
Thank you, baby in the manger. Our King, our God, our brother, our Savior, Son of Mary, come let us adore him!
On behalf of all of the staff here at St. Mary of the Rosary, I would like to wish everyone a very happy and blessed Christmas. Merry Christmas!