Dear Parishioners,
We are happy to celebrate two of our young parishioners who will be receiving their First Communion this Sunday. Congratulations Monica Trudeau and Molly Rosenberg. Monica is the daughter of Joe and Kellie Trudeau. Molly is the daughter of Jake and Katie Rosenberg. With our new two-year sacramental preparation plan, which follows the Restored Order of Sacraments, Monica and Molly received Confirmation last spring and will now be fully-initiated Catholics once they receive First Communion.
Please keep Monica and Molly in your prayers as they will be receiving Our Lord in the Eucharist for the first time and that this will be a meaningful beginning of their life relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist. I would like to thank our catechists Kellie Tanner, Shirley Baker and Jesseca Jeanneret, and Kellie Trudeau, our Religious Education coordinator, for all the effort they have given to prepare out children for the sacraments.
Following mass, the Knights of Columbus are hosting a special pancake breakfast in the parish hall. Everyone’s invited to celebrate Molly and Monica. Cake will also be provided for the reception as well.
Next weekend is the first Sunday in May. May is the month of Our Lady and we would like to honor her as our Queen and mother. It is a long-standing tradition to have a May Crowning of Mary during the month of May. We will do a May Crowning at the 10 am Mass after the Homily. All children are invited to participate in the procession to crown Mary, and are asked to meet at St. Mary’s sanctuary at 9:30 am for a quick rehearsal of events prior to mass.
Also, all parishioners are invited to please bring flowers to honor Mary next weekend and place them around her statue for this May Crowning and the month of Mary.