Dear Parishioners,
It’s that time of year for the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) for the Diocese of Spokane. The appeal is to support the ministry of our diocese and Bishop in Eastern Washington. This year’s theme, Small Things with Great Love, invites us to consider the spiritual impact that gifts, even the smallest ones, can achieve if done with love. The patron saint of the ACA is one that’s meaningful to me, St. Thérèse of Lisieux. She says “May you use the gifts you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.”
This year, as we become one parish, St. Mary of the Rosary has one combined goal. St. Mary of the Rosary Parish has been asked to raise a total of $36,153, which is 21% of last year’s parish income from offertory, Holy Days, and the ACA rebate we received. And, with everyone’s help, this is a very achievable goal. The sooner we accomplish this, the better. Please remember that the parish receives a rebate for any amount contributed over our goal.
Between September 3-6 you should receive your ACA mailing from Bishop Daly. Please let me know if you haven’t received one. The 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal Commitment Weekend is September 28-29. If we can make our pledges at that time, that would be the most ideal for all of us.
The ACA demonstrates that our parish exists and is part of the larger Catholic community and that we are connected to the Bishop, who is our chief shepherd. Our parish is supported by the various offices of the Diocese, and I serve at St. Mary’s under the Bishop’s authority and he sent me here to St. Mary’s as Pastor. At every Mass during the Eucharistic Prayer we pray for the Pope and local Bishop to show our union and communion with the universal and our local church in the Diocese of Spokane.
I am very happy these past two years our parish has made our ACA goal. And I want to thank everyone who has participated. Our ACA assessment this year has also gone up this year because our annual offertory collect has gone up.
I ask you to prayerfully consider the material you receive from Bishop Daly and then kindly respond to his request with a gift in proportion to your financial blessings. I encourage you to be generous so we can reach our ACA goal this year.
Contributions can be mailed in directly through the pledge envelope, placed in the collection basket at Mass, or made online.
I am very grateful for your sacrifice in supporting the ministries of the Diocese of Spokane. Your financial support, especially when given with love, will make a significant difference in your own spiritual life and in the lives of the many who are being served.