Dear Parishioners,
This Thursday we celebrate our great national feast of gratitude, Thanksgiving. Gratitude is a good and beautiful virtue, and its rooted in humility which is the queen of all virtues. Gratitude and grace go together and share the same root. Gratitude recognizes the gift and really everything is a gift because all has been given. Taking, possessing, controlling and entitlement are the opposite of gratitude and grace. Gratitude recognizes the gift and opens the heart to receive more.
God the Father is a source of all that is, and He is the giver of every good gift. He has so much more to give us and is only limited by our ability and willingness to receive. Gratitude expands the heart to receive and turns us into gracious people. I believe there is no greater compliment than to say some is a gracious person, it means they are full of gratitude and full of grace.
Come and worship with us this Thanksgiving Day at 9 am to give thanks and praise to the Lord. There is no higher form of praise and worship to God than to participate in the Eucharist. The very meaning of the Greek word Eucharistia which is itself a translation of the Hebrew word berekah meaning thanksgiving, or praise for the wonderful works of God. This will be a special Thanksgiving liturgy with beautiful music.
I feel a lot of gratitude toward all our parish community who choose to serve our parish in many different capacities. I recognize the gift of everyone’s treasures that have given all our ministries life as the parish continues its focus on our mission, growing in worship, service, discipleship, evangelization and fellowship. Thank you for all the continued support, we couldn’t do it without each one of our volunteers and dedicated staff.
Advent begins next weekend on Dec. 1 - the beautiful liturgical season in which we prepare for the coming of our Lord at Christmas as a little child born of the Virgin Mary. We are offering a special Advent Companion to help guide you through this season. Imbedded within the season of Advent is the beautiful Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on Dec. 8. However, this year the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has transferred the Holy Day of Obligation to Monday, Dec. 9. Mary under the title of the Immaculate Conception is the patroness of the United States of America. We pray for her special protection of our country. On Friday, Dec. 13 we will have our Advent Penance service as a way to prepare our hearts with the Sacrament of Reconciliation and several priests will be here to hear confession.
We are also happy to announce that seminarian Colby Richards, who stayed with us this past summer, will be staying with us before Christmas. He will be arriving Dec. 14 and staying through Christmas Day. Please welcome him as he joins us during this special season.