On the weekend of June 9
th and June 10
th, Fr. Vern Arseneau will be celebrating Mass and speaking about the work of “Food for the Poor,” a ministry providing direct relief to the poor throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. Through your financial support you fulfill the Gospel mandate to love one another.
Fr. Arseneau was ordained for the Diocese of Joliet (Illinois) in 1972 and besides serving as a pastor, he also served as the Diocesan Director for Family Ministry for the Diocese of Joliet. After retirement Fr. Arseneau joined Food for the Poor to help serve the poor and hungry.
The weekend before you will find offering envelopes for “Food for the Poor” in the pews. Please take one and bring it back with your donation (cash, check made out to “Food for the Poor”, or credit card charge) the weekend of June 9
th. Fr. Arseneau will receive them from you as you leave after mass.