The world, hurricanes in the south, earthquakes, wars and the like. Do you ask Our Lord to help open your eyes to the world you don’t see? More often than not the greater part of reality is unseen by human eyes. The crucifix is a reminder of this when Our Lord came down from heaven and took on the punishment for our sins and defeated to forces of darkness. How often do we remember this? If Our Lord defeated Satan on the cross, why is there still evil in the world? Because we choose it. We reject what God wants for us. When was the last time we asked God;, “What do you want? What do you want me to get out of mass?” Many want a look good, feel-good religion rather than one that challenges us to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:16). Our Lord says, “Enter through the narrow gate for the way is wide and easy that leads to destruction, the way is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life .” (Matthew 7:13) Hope. Hope has a name, Jesus Christ. Is it not enough that God himself came down from heaven, assumed our nature, died and rose from the dead? He calls to each one of us to follow him. He told us it won’t be easy but he will be there for us. Did you know he gives his actual physical Body and Blood to us at each Mass to strengthen us? This is a visible sign of His love for us that he entrusted to us His Body and Blood? Do we believe this? If we don’t, we reject one of the greatest gifts of love ever given. He also gives us a visible sign of his forgiveness in confession. What a tremendous sign of hope that Christ reassures us of His forgiveness! Do we trust him and accept this hope??