Is God truly important to me? Or do I merely claim he is? If he is, you make him a priority and go to mass even if you have an exemption. After all, if you love someone don't you want to spend time with Him? Would you put up with someone saying I'll be your friend but I'll give you only an hour a week on Sundays when I feel like it? Do you read your bible, Catechism and follow EWTN, or Catholic Answers or something of the sort? After all if someone is important to you will you not listen to what they have to say? The best example of a Christian is Our Lady Mary. She loved and trusted God so much as to place her life on the line when she said "Yes Lord, I'll bear your Son". Remember, she wasn't officially married yet and it would have been death by stoning if a single woman was found to be pregnant. August 15 is the feast of the Assumption. it remembers the belief that Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven. Ever wonder why there are no relics of Mary? Although it isn't a holy day of obligation this year she should still be honored and remembered. ~Fr Mike